Finding the Perfect Fit: How to Choose the Right Size Replacement Air Filter

When it comes to replacing your air filter, size matters. To ensure that your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is running efficiently, you need to make sure you get the right size replacement filter. To do this, you'll need to measure the length, width and depth of the inside of the air filter vent and round to the nearest whole number. Most filters have their sizes printed on the side, so you can easily determine the nominal size.

However, it's important to note that the actual size should be 0.25 to 0.5 inches smaller than the standard size. If the filter isn't the right size, air will flow around it instead of through it, meaning not all of the air will be filtered. To avoid this, make sure you buy a filter that is slightly larger than its groove or frame. This way, it can easily slide into place without bending or breaking. If you can't find the size printed on your filter, you can measure it yourself and do some calculations to determine the length, width and depth of the replacement. Alternatively, you can look inside the section of the oven where the air filter should go.

There should be a 1-inch filter guide or an opening where the air filter can slide through. When ordering new air filters, start from the actual sizes and round up to the nearest whole number. If you live in an older house with a non-standard size air return frame, you may want to use adhesive foam tape to slightly increase the dimensions of your favorite filter or order a custom-sized air filter. HVAC service companies often offer air filter replacement services in addition to system repair and unit installation services. Since HVAC technicians come to your home and evaluate your specific unit, they know what type of filter your furnace can handle and what's best for your system. A higher MERV rating means the filter is better at maintaining air quality and eliminating environmental contaminants. If you're looking for a store near you that sells custom-sized air filters, you might have a hard time getting lucky.

However, they usually add an additional surcharge to the filter to compensate for their services.

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